Posted by rs10 under General Comments Off on Sector sanitari_en
Generic Services
Laundry collection and delivery of clean clothes with own truck fleet and drivers.
Sorting, washing, ironing, folding and packing of clothing and linen.
Basic repairs for clothing, seams and buttons.
Work uniforms.
Ozonisation of pillows and mattresses.
Warehouse management for our clients.
Textile advice.
Constant contact with service manager.
Specific services
Loading compartment on trucks equipped with an ozone generator in order to ensure the highest level of cleanliness right up to final delivery to the client.
Double sanitary barrier to ensure there is no contact between dirty clothes and clean clothes.
Regular checks of the level of bacteria in the clothes.
Daily checks that the clothes have been neutralised in order to eliminate all traces of alkalinity.
Specific arrangement of the clothes in a private workshop.
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